Which export product after 15 years of positive growth faces negative growth?

31 July 2023

After 15 years of positive growth, it is forecasted that in 2023, exports of wood and wood products will face negative growth.

Kiem hoa go nhap khau

According to statistics from the General Department of Customs, in June 2023, the export of wood and wood products reached 1.1 billion USD, up 3.7% compared to May 2023, but down 23.3% compared to May 2023. with June 2022.

Generally in the first 6 months of 2023, the export of wood and wood products reached US$6.1 billion, down 28.3% over the same period in 2022. In which, the export of wood products reached US$4.1 billion, down 32.4% over the same period in 2022.

The world economy still faces many difficulties and challenges, causing orders from the wood industry to decrease, and Vietnam’s exports of wood and wood products to major markets in the first half of 2023 all dropped sharply.

In which, exports to the US market accounted for 54% of the total export value of wood and wood products, reaching $3.3 billion, down 33% over the same period in 2022.

The sharp decline in exports of wood and wood products to the United States makes it difficult for the wood industry to achieve its goal of reaching $18 billion in 2023.

In addition, enterprises exporting wood and wood products also have to face new regulations and requirements from the European Union (EU) market… Therefore, exporting wood and wood products in recent months The end of the year will continue to face many difficulties.

However, in the general export picture, there are still growth groups. For example, fiberboard has an export turnover of nearly 32 million USD to India, up 3 times over the same period last year.

Or wood chips, in the first half of 2023, exports reached a turnover of more than 1 billion USD, up 3% over the same period in 2022. China and Japan are still the two main markets for woodchips exported from Vietnam. South, in which, exports to China account for over 70%.

Mr. Do Xuan Lap – Chairman of the Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association (VIFOREST) – said that in the context of product prices falling to the bottom due to a deep decline in world market demand, the market is still alive and demanding. fast delivery time, while the wood industry is in a state of high labor costs, high and material consumption, which requires the wood industry to improve its competitiveness. In which, technology solutions are very important.

“I once visited a factory producing products from planted forest wood, and saw a material worth more than 3 million VND/m3, but through solutions and technology, it is possible to bring products from that forest material to higher levels. 3,000 USD,” said Mr. Do Xuan Lap.

In 2008, due to the impact of the economic crisis, the export of wood and wood products grew negative. Many experts fear that, after 15 years of positive growth, it is forecasted that in 2015, exports of wood and wood products will face negative growth.

The recovery of the wood and wood product export industry will depend on many factors, including the stability of the global economic situation, especially the key export markets for wood and wood products such as USA and EU; along with promoting export support measures and exploiting market expansion opportunities.

Talking about solutions to promote the production and export of wood and forest products, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri informed that the Ministry has directed the forestry sector to continue to organize the effective implementation of the development solutions. sustainable development of the wood processing industry and non-timber forest products. At the same time, coordinate with functional agencies in preventing trade fraud and strictly control timber imported from high-risk countries.

Especially closely following up, developing the operating scenario on import and export, ensuring the set target in 2023; continue to coordinate with units and the Association of Timber and Forest Products to develop export markets for forest products by international law.

Currently, Vietnam exports wood and wood products to more than 140 countries. Along with the efforts of the authorities, businesses must be ready when the market warms up. This is also the period when businesses need to look back to restructure after many years of development and hot growth. Worth mentioning, at present, there is a situation where businesses mainly process and export through large traders without having their brand, so businesses must invest in branding for the long haul.


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